Integrated Grammar Worksheet No. 3


Q1. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully.

Judit (a) ______into an unusual experiment.  Her father resolved (b)__________  his three girls (c) _______ become world – renowned chess players.  Susan, (d) ______oldest, became the Women’s World Champion (e) __________ 1996 and Sofia,  (f)  __________  younger  sibling,  a  Grandmaster.   Both  have  since  retired. However,  the  youngest, Judit, (g)__________  the  best  female  chess  player  (h) __________ all time.                            

(a) (i) is born  (ii) were born   (iii) was born      (iv) are born

(b) (i) to raise    (ii) for raising  (iii) raising (iv) to raising

(c)  (i) for    (ii) so  (iii) to  (iv) so they

(d)  (i) her   (ii) the   (iii) an   (iv) a

(e)  (i) on     (ii) in  (iii)  in the (iv) on the

(f)  (i) a       (ii) an    (iii) his  (iv) her

(g)  (i) has become  (ii) had become  (iii) have become (iv) becomes

(h)  (i) on     (ii) in     (iii) of    (iv) for

Q2. Using the notes given below complete the dialogues by choosing the correct  options  from the given options:              

 Customer : (a)   __________ ?   

 Salesman : Of course. Do you know the author or title ?

 Customer : Well I was at the beach and saw a girl reading a purple book. She looked like she was enjoying it a lot. (b) __________

 Salesman : Madam, you have to be more specific. There are lots of books with purple cover.

 Customer : (c)   ______________________________ ?

 Salesman : Unfortunately, no.

 Customer : In that case, (d) ______________________________.

 (a)  (i)Should you help me find a book ?

 (ii)  Ought you to help me find a book ?

 (iii)  Can you help me find a book ?

 (iv)  Shouldn‟t you help me find a book ?

 (b)   (i)I will want that book.

 (ii)  I will be wanting that book.

 (iii)  I want that book.

 (iv)  I have wanted that book.

 (c)  (i)Can't you search on your computer for purple books ?

 (ii)  Are you going to search on your computer for purple books ?

 (iii)  Will you search on your computer for purple books ?

 (iv)  Are you not going to search on your computer for purple books ?

 (d)  (i)I could go to a store that has better computers.

 (ii)  I will go to a store that has better computers.

 (iii) I may go to a store that has better computers.

 (iv)  I would go to a store that has better computers.

3. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.

 eg.         Gulmarg / with / very / Tourists / popular / is Gulmarg is very popular with tourists.

(a)         To / people / there / most / ski / go

 (b)         the / has / of / best / and the / highest points / it / for skiing / some

(c)          great / golf course / a / attraction / is / during / its/summers

(d)         the / one / also / down / can / slopes / in / sledge / winters.


Q.4.   Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows :

Rahul    :    Do you know that Ranjit met with an accident and is in hospital ?

Sukrit    :    Oh! I don’t. Is he badly hurt? Which hospital is he in ?

Rahul    :     The doctors say that there is nothing to worry. He is admitted to Beach Hospital.

Rahul asked Sukrit (a) __________ that Ranjit had met with an accident and was hospitalized.  Sukrit expressed his ignorance and enquired (b) __________. He also asked   (c)   __________.  Rahul   told   him   that   according to the doctors (d) __________ and said that he was admitted to the Beach Hospital.

5.The following paragraph has not been edited. Identify the error in each line and write it along with the correction (as shown below). Underline the incorrect word and write the correct word against it.


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