Tag Questions | Questions Tag

 Tag Question is  a phrase such as isn’t it/don’t you/ didn't you? that you add to the end of a statement in order to : 

  • turn it into a question. For example,  You have taken my pen, haven't you? 
  •  or check that the statement is correct. For example, You like watching TV, don’t you?

Uses of Tag Questions

To ask a positive Tag Questions 
  • We expect the answer 'yes'. Such a question consists of a statement followed by a negative interrogative question tag. 
For Example, 
  • You like to eat banana, don't you? 
  • You purchased a car last week, didn't you? 
  • You are a good boy, aren't you? 
To ask a negative tag question: 

We expect the answer 'No'.  Such a question consists of a statement followed by an interrogative question tag. 

For Example, 
  • It is not very nice, is it ? 
  • Dreams don't often come true, do they? 
  • You didn't mean anything wrong, did you? 
Note: Always remember that while writing question tags, you need to read the statement once. 

  • If the statement is affirmative, then the Question Tag will be Negative. 
  • e.g. You called me in the morning, didn't you? 
  • If the statement is negative, the question tag will be always Positive. 
  • e.g. You did not wait for me, did you? 
  • You need to write the question tag in the same tense in which the statement is given. 
  • e.g you've taken my pen, haven't you? (Statement is in present perfect tense. So the question tag is written in present perfect tense as well.) 

You need to learn the following contractions for adding a tag question. 

            sunanda's cloud classroom


Write Question Tags after the following statements: 
1. He came to my house yesterday.
2. You did not write the mail to me. 
3.  My friend did not visit the zoo yesterday. 
4. He played chess with me. 
5. You have taken my book. 
6. She has not done her homework.
7. You cannot do such a wok. 
8.  He will beat you. 
9.  My brother will not come today. 
10. He did not tell lies. 


  1. Very Very useful for students. Thanks for creating such a lucid content. Students & Teachers will be highly benefitted.


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