How to Write an Article | Tips for Writing an Article.

What is Article Writing?  

Article writing refers to an extended composition which is generally descriptive and argumentative. We come across articles in a Newspaper, Newsmagazine, School/College Magazine etc. 


  • To share one's ideas on a topic.
  • To discuss about some place, person or an event.
  • To argue one's point of view. 
Parts of an Article: 

1. Title with the name of the author

2. Introduction 
  • the description of the problem
  • Instances of the problem being discussed about. 
3. Body 
  • Cause/effect Relationship
  • Advantage/disadvantage of the problem stated. 
4.  Conclusion: 
  • Suggestions/solutions
  • Future predictions/call for appeal/action.
Points to Remember
  • Descriptive articles generally describe some person, place or thing. 
  • In an argumentative article, we need to either support or oppose ideas strongly.
  • All information should be presented in a logical and coherent manner. 
  • Repetition of ideas should be avoided.
  • For the exam purpose, the word limit should be 150-200 . 
  • Pay attention to grammatical accuracy, relevant vocabulary and spellings.
  • Make your article as interesting as possible. Keep in touch with the latest happenings
  • around you.

Marking Scheme: 
  • Format (heading and writer’s name) 1 mark
  • Content 4 marks
  • Expression 5 marks
  • grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spelling [2½]
  • coherence and relevance of ideas and style [2½]

Sample Article Writing

Question: The 21st century has seen an erosion of values in the society. Experts and educationists stress on value-based education to meet the challenges. Write an article, in not more than 200 words, on the need for value based education. 

                                Values Based Education-The need of The Hour

                                                   by Anurag Sharma

It is rightly said values are priceless, while valuables are priced.” Values like love, compassion, sympathy, empathy, tolerance, etc. lay the foundation for values like honesty, discipline, punctuality and loyalty.

Today’s fast paced competitive world, has led man to compromise on values, integrity and character. As a result, we see aggression, selfishness, rampant corruption, unlawful activities and inhuman behaviour all around.

There is an urgent need to introduce value based education dealing specifically with human values, to redesign the fabric of our society. Childhood is the right time and age to impart value education so that the right impressions formed in the child’s mind guide him throughout his life.

School provides the interactive and learning environment where  human values can be easily introduced to  a child by making him/her “experience” and “live” the values.

This can be done through workshops, seminars, camps and open forums since values are ‘caught’ and not just ‘taught’. So the onus lies on the elders to ensure that they preserve and promote values. 

The need of the hour is to integrate value based education into our curriculum. The teachers and parents should join hands with one another to ensure that they become the role models for students. If elders can imbibe values and demonstrate the best practices in their interaction and class rooms, homes, then in all probability, children will integrated values in their everyday life. 

Let us be the best role models for our children in all our life style activities so that we can pass on values to our children without feeling the need of formally teaching values in classrooms. Occasional role plays, text and video stories can contribute to an added impetus in our endevours to teach values to our students. 

Questions for Practice: 

1. You are Ruchi/ Ramesh a class XI student. You are really upset that advertisements on TV, sell their products by appealing to the impressionable minds. Write an article on the topic Media should be socially responsible and think before playing on children’s sentiments.

2. Information technology has brought about a global revolution in all fields. Computer aided education is fast becoming the order of the day. The market is flooded with educational CDs and online learning is a new phenomenon. Write an article on ‘Can Computers replace classroom teaching’, for your school magazine. 

3. You are Shrishti/Shridhar, of SKV BT Block, Shalimar Bagh., Delhi. You are disturbed to find that most of the youngsters nowadays are becoming a prey to the fast food culture. They lack on physical activity. Write an article on the topic ‘Junk Food-a Health Hazard.’

4. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, gave us the dream of developed India by 2020. You are quite upset to notice that corrupt practices by politician and beauraucrats are at a rise. Write an article making an appeal to generation Y to make the dream of a developed nation true. 

5. You are Ankit staff reporter of a national daily. You were asked to cover a District Science Exhibition. Write a report on the same mentioning all relevant details.


1. Directorate of Education, Govt. of Delhi, Support Materials.

2. Assignments in Communicative English( Writing) | Goyal Brothers) 


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