How to Write a Diary Entry | Tips for Writing a Diary.

 What is a Diary Entry? 

  • Writing a diary is an attempt to unload one's heart related to either a happy or unhappy incident or news or any happening around. 
  • It is not meant for communication with any other person. It is meant for self-recollection and looking back. 
  • It is written in first person and is addressed to none. 
What Needs to be included in a Diary Entry? 

The page of the writer's diary includes: 
  • Description of what had happened on a particular date. 
  • The writer used simple past tense for narration. 
  • The writer uses first person narration ( e.g. I experienced immense pleasure.....etc). The use of the pronoun 'I' as subject of the sentence is called 'First Person Narrative' all about. 
  • The narration contains what the narrator should do to solve the problem. 
  • Language used in the narration is simple, friendly and informal.
  • Stress should be given on feelings, emotions, reactions rather than on the event itself. 
  • You should write on what you saw/experienced and your reaction to what you saw/experienced. 

Sample Draft: 

You saw people fighting at one public water tap in your city for water. Write a page of your diary reflecting on the incident. 

Jan 15, 2020                                                                 4 pm

It was a strange scene. More than thirty men and women were shouting at each other claiming that they were crossing the line of people waiting for their turn. two of them were using abusive. 

Why should they behave like that? Why can't they quietly wait for their turn? What if anyone in dire crosses the line with permission? 

People should behave in a civilized way. Water is everybody's  need and should not be a point of quarrel or fight. 

Should government not add a few more taps to divert the users? It would solve some of the problems. 

I would write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper and also to the municipal commissioner. It should not be delayed. 

Exercises for Practice: 

1. Adolescence or the age between 12 to 18 years is a difficult period of a child's life. During this period a girl or boy remains between childhood and adulthood and is sometimes treated as a child and sometimes is supposed to be grown up, not to make mistakes. As an adolescent, wrtite a diary entry bringing out this dilemma. Do not exceed more than 100 words.

2. On his way to school Ranen saw some children throwing stones at a dog. Angered he stopped them with great difficulty. He took the dog home and took care of it. In the evening, he wrote a diary entry about the incident. As Rajen, write the diary entry. Do not exceed 100 words. 

3. You went to see the IPL match where your favorite team was beaten and is out of the semi finals. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings. Do not exceed 100 words. 


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