Two MCQ Reading Worksheets

Reading Worksheet 

Q1.  Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow: 


On the basis of your reading of the above poem, complete the statements which follow with the help of the given options.

 (a) A young citizen of India is a 

(i) student

 (ii) young boy or a young girl 

(iii) teacher 

(iv) patriot

(b) According to the poem, one must realize that he/she must have

 (i) a big aim

 (ii) great knowledge

 (iii) great power 

(iv) powerful economic strength

(c) India must be transformed into a 

(i) developed nation

 (ii) powerful nation 

(iii) nation with great vision 

(iv) nation with value system

 (d) The great vision of the young citizen will ignite 

(i) lamp of knowledge of all

 (ii) billions souls 

(iii) passion of young citizens 

(iv) patriotic feelings of people

 (e) A ‘developed nation’ means a nation empowered by

 (i) armed forces 

(ii) economic strength with value system

 (iii) great love for nation 

(iv) intellectuals 

(f) ‘I will keep the lamp of knowledge burning’ means to make the best efforts to

 (i) make India a developed country

 (ii) get knowledge 

(iii) achieve big targets 

(iv) become a true patriot

(g) The word ‘vision’ means

 (i) a picture in your imagination

 (ii) a small dream 

(iii) aim and object of life 

(iv) imagination

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 

As time passes by, we get so close to people that we don’t realize how much we trust them, even with our eyes closed. Alas! The way people change is what matters. Like a seed from which a flower blooms, in the same way, even people change from time to time in their outlook. I’ll tell you one such incident which occurred in someone’s life, someone who is very close to me.

Once, there were two friends, entirely different from others. They gave everything to each other, shared, cared and did everything together. As time passed by, they became friends forever. Both of them loved each other intensely and the bond of friendship grew stronger. They believed that nothing was above friendship. Time passed, and the friends who shared and cared for each other had shadows of evil cast upon their friendship.

Little did the friends realise that destiny had different plans for them. It was that fateful day when both the friends went out for dinner together. They met with an accident. One of them suffered a serious injury. She bled profusely through her gaping wounds. The other friend prayed for her to live. It did not take long for the doctors to explain that the injured friend could not make it. She was no more !

The friend, who had survived the accident, underwent a deep sense of regret and guilt because she held herself responsible for her friend’s death. She felt that she would never be able to wash away the stains of blood from het hands. Nothing but pain and deep grief engulfed her. She was compensated for the loss of her friend in cash, but the money she received could not be compared to the sorrow that filled her. The aching vacuum in her eyes conveyed that the compensation that she had received could never compensate for the friend she had just lost. This is why I say to you, take care of the one beside you today, for if you don’t value and cherish that love, then you might crush that something which may suddenly die and separate from you forever, ‘The Real You’.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the statements which follow with the help of the given options. 

(A) According to the passage when we get close to people the thing that matters is the way people. (i) behave with us 

(ii) change with time 

(iii) love each other

(iv) hate each other 

(b) The two friends cared for each other and

 (i) did every thing together 

(ii) behaved differently 

(iii) made many friends 

(iv) brought some gifts 

(c) The two friends believed that nothing in the world was above 

(i) friendship 

(ii) hatred 

(iii) sentiments 

(iv) destiny 

(d) The doctor explained that the injured friend

 (i) had run away 

(ii) had died

 (iii) was seriously ill 

(iv) was fit and fine

(e) The friend who had survived the accident underwent a deep sense of regret and guilt because (i) of the panic

 (ii) her friend was very good 

(iii) she held herself responsible for her friend’s death

 (iv) she could not live without her friend.

 (f) The aching vacuum in her eyes conveyed that the compensation could 

(i) not satisfy her

 (ii) create more problem 

(iii) bring her money 

(iv) never make up for the loss. 

(g) The word ‘engulfed’ in the passage means

 (i) encircled

 (ii) haunted 

(iii) laid an impact 

(iv) affect very strongly/overwhelm

For the answer key of this poem, subscribe to the website. Answer key will be mailed to you. 


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