Story Writing | How to Write a Story ?

Story Writing requires a lot of creativity and imagination. You need to make a rough draft of the story keeping in mind the word limit, number of characters, plot etc. 

Remember some important points  while writing a story: 

  • Think about a beautiful plot that will arrest the attention for your readers. 
  • Decide about the characters. 
  • Give a suitable title to your story. 
  • Use simple, easy to understand language. 
  • Write short sentences. 
  • Maintain coherence i.e. your sentences should be logically connected.
  • Try to brig out a moral or message in the end.
  • Theme refers to something important that the story tries to tell. 
  • Plot refers to struggle that the main character goes through. 
  • Structure refers to writing the story either in 'First Person' or in 'Third person.' Decide to write  either in present tense in in past tense. 
  • Character refers to the number of persons who will  play different roles in your story. Main character or the protagonist should be someone whom readers can feel something in common with or at least care about how a character looks or moves or speaks. 
  • Setting refers to setting your story in a place and time that will be interesting or familiar. 
  • Style & Tone refers to using language that is appropriate for your story. Use action and speech to let readers know what is happening. 
  • Use direct quotes like 'Go away' instead of indirect quotes like 'She told him to go away. . 
  • Outline of the story should be based on the hints provided to you in the questions.  
  • Make sure to introduce the elements of humour, suspense etc in your story.
  • Let the language of your story be easy to understand. 
  • Keep your story within 300 words.
Exercise on Story Writing is given in the Worksheet Section: You can refer to some  Writing Worksheets here. 


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