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Notice Writing Worksheet

1.You are the captain of your school cricket team. The friendly match with Astha School Cricket TeamScheduled for October 26, 2011 has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. Prepare a notice informing the members of the team giving all the necessary details (40 words) 2. You have lost your expensive watch while playing in the badminton court during the recess. Write a notice for your school noticeboard describing your watch. Mention the brand, colour, digital or analogue watch etc. (Word Limit : 50)  3. Your school is going to conduct an inter-house debate competition on March 12, 2021. You are the Captain of the Literary Club of your school. Write a notice inviting the entry from students of std. VII and VIII for the said competition. Mention the topic of the debate, number of participants from each house, date, time, venue of the competition etc. ( Word Limit: 50 )  4. You are the sports captain of the school. Write a notice on your school noticeboard inviting students to p

Integrated Grammar Worksheet No. 3

  Q1. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct word from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully. Judit (a) ______into an unusual experiment.   Her father resolved (b)__________   his three girls (c) _______ become world – renowned chess players.   Susan, (d) ______oldest, became the Women’s World Champion (e) __________ 1996 and Sofia,   (f)   __________   younger   sibling,   a   Grandmaster.    Both   have   since   retired. However,   the   youngest,   Judit,   (g)__________   the   best   female   chess   player   (h) __________ all time.                              (a)   (i) is born  (ii) were born     (iii) was born        (iv) are born (b) (i) to raise    (ii) for raising  (iii) raising (iv) to raising (c)    (i) for     (ii) so   (iii) to   (iv) so they (d)    (i) her    (ii) the   (iii) an    (iv) a (e)    (i) on      (ii) in   (iii)   in the (iv) on the (f)    (i) a        (ii) an    (iii) his   (iv) her (g)    (i)

Reading MCQ Worksheet 2

    1. Read the passage given below and complete the summary by filling in the appropriate word. Supply only one word for each blank.                                                                        A FAITHFUL CREATURE The best friend of man in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or his daughter, whom he has reared with loving care, may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust without doubt, may become traitors. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him perhaps when he needs it most. A man’s reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honour when success is with us, may be the first to throw stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous i

How to Write an email | Tips for Writing an email

How to Write a Diary Entry | Tips for Writing a Diary.

  What is a Diary Entry? 

Dialogue Writing Exercise | Worksheet on Dialogue Writing

  Please refer here to read how to write a dialogue . Then do the following exercises:   Exercise on Dialogue Writing:  1.A recent survey highlighted the increasing dependence of youth on cell phones. Write a dialogue between two friends in not more than 5 turns  to highlight the point that science should help in better living and not control man’s life. You can refer to the following hints.  addiction to cell phones nomophobia communication breakdown little time for human interaction engrossed with mobiles losing it causes panic attacks shortness of breath science should enhance life not make a slave 2. You are a member of the school Social Service Club. You have to visit a nearby slum where a large number of residents are addicted to smoking. You have decided to speak to the residents about the evils of tobacco abuse.  Write a dialogue between your friend and you about your visit  in not more than 5 turns and include the following points in your dialogues.   Besides being a killer, i